Note: I am rebuilding this website for summer of 2025. If you have any requests please let me know ASAP! Bill
To see what I have so far..the "Sandbox" website is located here:
In emergencies always call 911 first!
Impt: If you're outside the local calling area you need to call 406-728-0911
To report a forest fire in the Swan Call the DNRC Swan Unit office at (406) 754 - 2301
Missoula 911 Supervisor Sherri Odlin and Missoula County Emergency Services Director Adrian Beck both said the protocol is to not send a reverse 911 (Smart 911) until the emergency is investigated by a vetted Law Enforcement officer or Fire Chief. So don't expect a reverse (a.k.a Smart) 911 to tell us a cabin is on fire and the community's fire fighting equipment is needed. In addition, we live in a remote area and at times there are not many people around to report a fire, especially during the off-season. So 911 may only get one call reporting a fire or any dire emergency. This is where the Lindy Alert comes in.
Delaying emergency notification to the Lindbergh Lake Road Community wastes precious time getting help. In contrast, the Lindy Alert is sent out immediately once a Lindy Alert "sender" is notified.-------
Sargeant Parcel our Deputy Sheriff and Mike Sunderland Sheriff's office have both said the Lindy Alert could come in handy. In the article below "Crime is Increasing in the Swan Valley": Pathfinder Article it's mentioned it could be hours before anyone can investigate anything in our area.
??What is the Lindy Alert??: It is similar to the old-fashioned phone tree. However, only one person is needed to send the alert to everyone within seconds. All those signed up will get the urgent voice alert on either their landline or cell phone or both.
The Lindy Alert Volunteer Community Sender is phoned or contacted in person. You give the information of your dire emergency and the sender broadcasts it to everyone on the LindyAlert-DMC database. There will be several "Alert Senders" in case the one you call is unavailable. It is possible for everyone to be an alert sender if need be, but this can get unwieldy for me. So maybe a dozen or so senders spread out along the road should be enough.
We need "Alert Senders" Please volunteer. There are several ways you can send an alert. Please view the"Training Tab" or go to the DialMyCalls Website tutorials.
Click the bulleted links below to hear an example of the alert you would get on either your landline phone or smartphone (text message) or both.
- Neighborhood fire pumps needed ASAP!
- Bear break-ins occurring in our neighborhood!
- Defibrillator needed ASAP! (I've identified four homes on LL Road with AEDs, there may be more?)
- Epipen needed ASAP!
- Cars blocking emergency turn-a-round!
- No prerecored message: Boat is needed to take QRU to the head of the lake to meet injured Crystal Lake hiker OR boat needed to take EMTs to Rope Swing to help the injured.
The alert can be sent to hundreds of landlines and mobile phones. Everyone on the database shall be alerted within seconds. It's important to know that DMC will not send out alerts if we do not have enough money banked in the account!
Crime is Increasing in the Swan Valley Read Here: Pathfinder Articleinjured
To sign up for the Lindy Alert donate $5.00 and then you will be emailed the PIN and Google Form to fill out.
To donate click here: Donate
Recording of wolves howling at Lindbergh Lake Listen for the "lone wolf echo" towards the end